Phone: (406) 777-5271 ext. 104
Address: 206 Buck Street
Stevensville MT 59870
Hours of Operation: M - F 7:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.
The Town of Stevensville, Montana is requesting sealed proposals from qualified firms, teams or consultants interested in providing professional engineering services to the Town for development and preparation of an update to its 2009 Water System Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the existing Water System. The Report will update the pertinent sections of the 2009 PER with focus on the Phase IV Storage System Upgrades.
The Town invites qualified consultants to submit a qualifications package based upon the scope of work contained within this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The PER update shall be completed in the standard Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Action Coordinating Team’s (W2ASACT’s) “Uniform Preliminary Engineering Report for Montana Public Facility Projects” outline. This outline is found in the October 2017 Uniform Application for Montana Public Facility Projects, and can be found on the State of Montana Website: .
This Project may be partially funded by a planning grant from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program (RRGL) or the Montana Department of Commerce Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP). The selected consultant will be required to meet all grant requirements for reimbursement. This document is intended to provide interested consultants with sufficient information to prepare and submit a statement of qualifications for consideration by the Town of Stevensville.
The Town of Stevensville completed a Water System Improvements Preliminary Engineering Report Update in 2009. The 2009 PER outlined a phased approach to water system improvements which included metering, a new well field, decommissioning of the Water Treatment Facility, and distribution system improvements. Phase IV of the plan, storage system improvements, was differed until accurate water metering data became available and leakage was reduced allowing for appropriate sizing of a new water storage tank. It is the intent of the Town of Stevensville to proceed with the Phase IV project.
This project consists of professional services to develop and produce a Preliminary Engineering Report update using the W2ASACT outline and format. The PER update will address the water system capital improvements through the year 2040 with emphasis on completing the Phase IV Water Storage Improvements. The PER shall address the following topics at a minimum:
Population Projections and Estimates of Future Water Demands
Future Potential Regulations and Impact on Current Water System Assessment of Water Supply
Assessment of Water Treatment
Assessment of Water Distribution and Storage
Improvement Alternatives and Cost Estimates
Implementation and Funding Plan
Preparation of Draft and Final Preliminary Engineering Report
Public Meetings
Once funding for the approved project has been secured, the Town may, at its option, retain the services of the selected applicant for grant writing and administration, design and/or construction services, or it may contract with a separate firm.
The project deliverables for this project include, but are not limited to:
Five hard copies of the Statement of Qualifications must be submitted to: Town of Stevensville, Attn: Mayor Brandon Dewey, 206 Buck Street, Stevensville, MT 59870. Responses will be received no later than 5:00 pm (local time) on Friday. March 13, 2020 in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside “2020 Town of Stevensville Water System Preliminary Engineering Report SOQ”. Legibility, clarity and completeness are essential.
The proposal must be organized in accordance with this section. Brevity is appreciated by the Town staff reviewing the proposals. The proposal may not exceed the page limits described below and font size shall be 11 point or larger. Covers, dividers, and table of contents are not included in the page count. Key personnel resumes and a draft work plan and schedule shall be included in Appendix A and B as outlined below and are not included in the page count. When using double sided printing, each side of the page is counted as one page. A proposal exceeding the specified number of pages may be considered non-responsive, and the proposal may not be considered.
The proposals shall contain the following information at a minimum:
To provide for a degree of consistency in review of the proposals, firms are requested to prepare their proposals in the standard format given below.
Introductory Letter
(Not to Exceed 1 page, 0 points)
If desired an introductory letter can be provided and limited to one page. The letter will not be scored.
Qualifications of the Professional Personnel Assigned to the Project
(Not to Exceed 5 pages, 35 Points)
Provide an overview of the Consultant team highlighting their experience, qualifications and technical capabilities that are relevant to the project. Briefly describe Consultant’s team key personnel’s experience, qualification, and role on this project. Resumes for key staff shall be provided in Appendix A, but will be scored within this section. Provide an organizational chart of the proposed project team. Indicate the number of other projects that will be managed by the Project Manager and under and by the lead engineer during the time he or she would be assigned to this project.
Previous Project Experience/Project Examples
(Not to Exceed 5 pages, 35 points)
Provide project descriptions of projects delivered by the project team. Projects referenced should be of similar scope and magnitude to this project.
Previous Experience with and Proximity to the Town of Stevensville
(Not to Exceed 2 Pages, 20 points)
Provide information regarding past experience working with the Town of Stevensville on the community’s water system and wastewater facility.
Present and Projected Workloads/Capability to Meet Time and Budget Requirements
(Not to Exceed 1 Page, 10 points)
Provide a discussion regarding the anticipated workload for the Project Manager and Lead Engineer during the time frame that this project will occur (July 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021). Provide a brief description of the tools and processes used to manage budget.
Appendix A: Key Staff Resume’s
(No page limit, 0 points – Points included in scoring above)
Provide 1 page resumes for the Consultants team Key Staff
Appendix B: Workplan and Schedule
(No page limit, 0 points)
Provide a draft workplan (scope of services) and schedule for completing the project assuming an August 1, 2020 start date. This will not be scored but will instead serve as the starting point for contract negotiations.
The Town may select one or more firms submitting proposals as finalists. Finalists may be interviewed to further establish qualifications. One firm will be selected to submit a formal scope of services and fee for the work and to negotiate a contract with the town. If an appropriate agreement cannot be reached with the highest-ranked firm, the second-ranked firm may be invited to submit a proposal and negotiate a contract with the town, and so on.
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all statements of qualification and re-advertise, to waive any irregularities in the statements of qualification, and to accept the statement of qualification that best benefits the Town. The Town of Stevensville reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. All proposals become the property of the Town of Stevensville. The Town is not responsible for any costs associated with preparing qualifications statements in response to this RFQ.
Questions should be directed to George Thomas, Town of Stevensville, 206 Buck Street, Stevensville, MT 59870, (406) 777-5271.
Legal Ad: Bitterroot Star
Publish: 2/19/2020, and 2/26/2020