Phone: (406) 777-5271 ext. 102
Address: 206 Buck Street
Stevensville MT 59870
Hours of Operation: M - F 8a.m. to 5 p.m.
The proposal is to delete 16 lots in the current Phase 3 and to rezone from R-1 to R-2
eleven lots in the revised Phase 3 to allow for two-family town homes. The total area to be rezoned is
3.53 acres, or about 17 per cent of the land areas in Phases 2 and 3. The rest of the development will
remain R-1 single-family and the overall density will remain the same as it was with the original
subdivision approval. Approximately 1300 linear feet of roadway and utilities will then not have to be
constructed and installed, and the undisturbed Common Area will be greatly increased. The 2.0 acres
outside of, but adjacent to the south of, the original 40.2-7-acre tract was earlier included in the
preliminary plat with 9 lots. The 2.0 acres now has different owners than when the subdivision was
approved and will no longer be part of the subdivision. The 2.0 acres will still be permitted whatever
legal access that has earlier been granted the property.
The Twin Creeks subdivision was approved on November 26, 2007. The original approval was for 117
single-family lots on 42.27 acres. Phase 1, which consisted of 53 lots on 17.9 acres, was filed and is now
built out. The final plat filing deadline for Phase 2 is currently January 15, 2022 and the deadline for Phase 3 is January 15, 2026. We are not asking for an amendment to the filing plat deadlines of either phase, or to move any lot boundaries- aside from deleting the 16 said lots.
The complete application & proposal can be found under supporting documents.