Phone: (406) 777-5271 ext. 102
Stevensville MT 59870
Hours of Operation: M - F 8a.m. to 5 p.m.
Beginning on/about Monday, May 6, 2019 contractors will begin the installation of new plumbing and fixtures in the restrooms. The restroom updates include converting two restrooms into unisex/family restrooms. Facility updates will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In 2017, plumbing and fixtures were removed from the building to prepare for updates. The old fixtures were inefficient, needed repair and were not ADA compliant. Since then, the restrooms have been repainted inside and are now ready for completely new fixtures.
The restrooms will be lockable from the inside by the user and will include changing tables for family-friendly use. Lighting and ventilation are also being improved in the restrooms as well.
While construction continues, a portable restroom is available for use.
Construction is expected to take 10-14 days; upon which time the restrooms will again be open to the public. Citizens should expect contractor activity around the facility and stay clear of construction areas for safety.
Upon completion of the interior project, the Public Works Department will replace the concrete sidewalks leading into and around the facility.
You can follow @townofstevensvilleMT on Facebook or visit for updates or contact Town Hall at 406-777-5271 for questions.