Phone: (406) 777-5271
Address: 206 Buck Street
Stevensville MT 59870
Hours of Operation: M - Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We all know how unpredictable the winter weather can be here in Stevensville. The Streets & Transportation Division has developed a Snow Removal Plan to establish how each street is plowed. The Priorities are shown on the Snow Plowing Map found in the links below.
Effective snow removal and plowing of snow on town streets is a cooperative effort of both the town street crews and local residents. The town depends on individuals to remove the plowed berms in front of driveways or cars. We understand that clearing berms is inconvenient, but it is unfortunately a byproduct of snow plowing.
Individuals are required to place their shoveled / plowed snow on their own property and not in the street. This is in accordance to Stevensville Municipal Code.
The town recognizes that snow plowing may block some driveways and that it leaves berms around parked cars. Individuals are required to remove berms from your driveways, mailboxes and cars.
Please remove recreational vehicles and other items from the parking areas of the street, including basketball hoops.